Facial Acupuncture £120 60min / £150 90min

Facial Acupuncture is a totally natural, non-surgical facial treatment which involves placing super fine tiny, painless acupuncture needles into various points on the face and the body to improve circulation locally and improve the body's homeostasis at a systemic level. The organic skin care products which are used during the treatment do not contain any harsh chemicals or synthetic ingredients (e.g. Parabens, Lanolin and etc.)

Facial Acupuncture can help :
• Increased blood circulation => lymphatic drainage and detox
• Stimulates collagen => plumps up the skin
• Tightens muscles in the face and neck => lifting and firming
• Increases cell regeneration => fills in fine lines
• Regulates hormones in acne and stress-related skin => clearer, brighter skin


Acupuncture £100 60min

The style of acupuncture called ' Seiketsu shiraku’ which developed in Japan is mainly adopted. This includes the placing the painless super fine tiny needles or silicon patch mainly on the acupuncture points which are located on finger and toe tips. This in turn can help balance your autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain your health holistically.

Acupuncture treatment may also include ( depends on the symptoms or conditions ) :
• Cupping: glass cups with a vacuum seal are placed on the skin to stimulate blood flow and clear stagnantion of your vital energy, ' Qi氣’.
• Guasha: vigorous rubbing of the skin to increase blood flow and clear stagnantion of your vital energy, ‘Qi氣’.


美顔鍼(Facial Acupuncture ) £120 60min / £150 90min


鍼(Acupuncture ) £100 60min
